5-B4. Kiri Minchō

Kirimin R

Table of Contents

Kiri Minchō

Kiri Minchō (Kirimin) is a font family derived from Source Han Serif, an open source font family from Adobe. Differences between Kiri Minchō and its original Source Han Serif JP are as follows:

Because every modification has been applied to source code and I build it using Adobe's tool (AFDKO), the quality and features are basically as the same as the Source Han Serif family, except the changes mentioned above. Hinting, IVS, GPOS and GSUB data have been inherited from Source Han Serif.


The following fonts are provided under SIL Open Font License 1.1, following Source Han Serif.

* Italic versions were removed from the line-up on 31st January 2025.

Variable font version

The following is a variable font version (VF) of Kiri Minchō. As apparently even the Kozuka Minchō/Gothic families of Adobe have not had a variable font version as of 2022, this is likely to be the second variable font whose CIDs are compatible with Adobe-Japan1-7 after Kiri Gothic VF.

* 2024/09/08: According to the issue#290 of Source Han Sans, a bug of Windows 10/11 that caused rendering the VF version to fail has been fixed.
I have personally confirmed that the variable font version above is rendered correctly on Windows 10 22H2 (19045.4780).

Glyphs for Western Letters

As in Kiri Gothic, starting with version 3.000, Kiri Minchō began to include new glyphs that are created directly from Source Serif Pro (SSP) for Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic characters, instead of the ones that were created from the SSP glyphs by Adobe and are included in Source Han Serif (SHS).

Although the glyphs for Western characters in both families (KiriMin and SHS) are all derived from the same SSP glyphs, unlike the pair of Kiri Gothic and Source Han Sans, there are differences relatively in the outlines of the glyphs between these two families. So, for the time being, the final version of Kiri Minchō version 2 that includes the glyphs inherited from Source Han Serif is also made available.

Revision History

Version 2

The glyphs for Western characters in Kiri Minchō version 3.000 and later are a bit different from the ones that were included in version 1 and 2:

The final version of Kiri Minchō 2 that includes the old glyphs is avilable here:

* No difference between the contents of the 7-zip and zip archives.

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